SNGF – Matrilineal Line

I decided to play along with Saturday Night Genealogy Fun at Randy Seaver’s blog, GeneaMusings.

If you want to party with the SNGF gang this week, then here is your task:

1) List your matrilineal line – your mother, her mother, etc. back to the first identifiable mother. Note: this line is how your mitochondrial DNA was passed to you!

2) Tell us if you have had your mitochondrial DNA tested, and if so, which Haplogroup you

So, here it goes:

1. Me 🙂

2. My mom, Donelle.

3. My grandmother, Eleanore Sonia Bergman (1922-1998)

4. My great-grandmother, Charlotta Eugenia Viktoria Klarstrom.(1888-1960)

5. My great-great grandmother, Christina Elisabeth Bennberg. (1845-1919)

6. My great-great-great grandmother, Christina Olsdatter. (born in 1816)

I have not had my DNA tested yet.  I swiped some from my brother though. 🙂

I guess there is another thing I need to get done!

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